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Discount Offer

Discount Offer

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10% Discount

10% Discount

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15% Discount Offer

15% Discount Offer

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8% Discount Offer

8% Discount Offer

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10% Discount Offer

10% Discount Offer

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  10%  discount on Foods Items, Programme/Seminars/Parties and on total bill amount while accepting payment through Prabhu Bank mobile banking, QR and debit/credit card.

10% discount on Foods Items, Programme/Seminars/Parties and on total bill amount while accepting payment through Prabhu Bank mobile banking, QR and debit/credit card.

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 10% Discount on all the medical services including consultations, diagnostic test, procedure, Surgeries and inpatient care.

10% Discount on all the medical services including consultations, diagnostic test, procedure, Surgeries and inpatient care.

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10% discount on hospital Services

10% discount on hospital Services

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10-25% Discount on all hospital services

10-25% Discount on all hospital services

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10 %  Discounts from Prabhu Bank Privilege Department

10 % Discounts from Prabhu Bank Privilege Department

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10 %  discount on regular services

10 % discount on regular services

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15 %  discount on checkup, scaling and polishing.  10% discount on ..

15 % discount on checkup, scaling and polishing. 10% discount on ..

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25 %   discount on normal diagnostic service and packages.

25 % discount on normal diagnostic service and packages.

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10% Discount For Prahu Bank Debit/Credit Card Holder

10% Discount For Prahu Bank Debit/Credit Card Holder

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10% Discount on food items

10% Discount on food items

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